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The Lighten Up Mentorship
Welcome Module
Welcome to The Lighten Up Mentorship
Reactive Dogs
Reactive to other dogs: Juno (59:51)
Support for guardians with mobility issues with reactive dogs (61:33)
The benefits, tension and necessities of counter-conditioning (64:33)
Barky Dogs
Dogs who bark at visitors (66:35)
Solutions for dogs who bark at visitors (72:51)
Guardy Dogs
Dog-dog resource guarding part I (59:18)
Dog-Dog resource guarding part II: modification (64:40)
Dog-Dog Resource Guarding Webinar (225:53)
Frustrated dogs
Case study: Chip the Springer Spaniel (59:22)
Solutions for Chip (57:54)
Safety Cues
Safety Cues Papers and links
Huh! Learning Made To Stick (144:34)
Violating expectations (64:10)
Behaviour systems & Motivational Conflict
Behaviour systems & motivational conflict (124:58)
Peer discussion of motivational conflict (65:47)
Business & Organisation
Intake forms (61:42)
Lifestyle assessment (60:29)
The Human Side of Dog Training
Working with clients who won't take their dog to the vet (60:31)
Working with clients who don't believe there are pain issues & working with tricky vets (61:11)
Canine Behavioural Conditions
Some problems with medical models of diagnosis & an introduction to RdoC (58:20)
ADHD-like behaviours in dogs: is the canine world ready for diagnosis? (69:29)
Restorative socialisation for adult dogs
Restorative socialisation for adult dogs (63:38)
Introduction to Free Work with Sonia Catherall
Introduction to the course (2:01)
Health and Wellbeing (25:12)
ACE free work (7:39)
Getting started with ACE free work (9:38)
Introducing your dog to ACE free work (4:00)
Applications of free work (1:45)
Finish cue (1:27)
Items for free work by Sarah Whiffen
ACE observations (3:49)
Trust bank account (2:10)
Combination stations (3:41)
The Counting Game (5:30)
Bridging stations (3:44)
Introducing body contact (3:35)
Harness sensitivity by Sarah Fisher
Bonus: introduction to body language (8:14)
Bonus material: free lecture from ICB
The Ken Lowdown
Feedback & talking points from the Ken Ramirez 2024 IMDT conference (62:50)
Big Reads and Big Thinks
Daniel Dennett and Why The Animal Experience Matters
Jakob Von Uexküll, umwelt and functional tones
Marian Stamp Dawkins, Aubrey Dunning & Motivation
Marek Spinka and Animal Agency
Don Griffin and Animal Consciousness
James Gibson and Affordances
Groves, Thompson & Habituation (80:31)
Pseudopregnancy (69:49)
Negative Reinforcement
Negative Reinforcement: What It Is
Negative Reinforcement chat (97:31)
Negative Reinforcement Peer discussion (65:00)
CAAWT & CAT (71:18)
Cooperative Care
Cooperative Care (58:03)
Dog-dog resource guarding part I
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